It goes without saying that 2020 has been one of the toughest years most of us will (hopefully) ever experience and we wouldn’t have got through it without the support, inspiration and positivity of our 35 Thousand sisterhood. We asked 14 of them to tell us which wise words they will choose to live by in 2021. Here’s what they said….
Whitney Bromberg-Hawkings, CEO and founder of flower delivery business FLOWERBX

Whitney’s why
“2020 has been a huge lesson in operating out of my comfort zone; and it is, simultaneously, the year in which I’ve grown the most, both personally and professionally. So, while I hope that 2021 won’t present all the challenges that 2020 has thrown at us, I do hope I will continue to push my comfort zone and do things that terrify me.”
Visit FLOWERBX here
Susannah Taylor, Content Director of 35

Susannah’s why
“A friend once wrote this down on a post-it note and left it in my house about 20 years ago and it has been my mantra ever since. It resonated so strongly with me and still does in that I feel that you create your own life and that it really is possible to do anything if you walk/ edge/ hustle your way towards it. It also says to me ‘Be who you want to be’ and ‘Live that dream,’ whatever that is because we may as well live this life best we possibly can. I felt this strongly even before the Pandemic hit.”
Read Susannah’s article on ’15 ways to find more balance in your day’ here
Andrea McDowell, founder of dahlia business Dahlia Beach

Andrea’s why
“When you consider that success is 20% skill and 80% mindset, why do we even entertain the idea of imposter syndrome? The notion that we are inadequate or that someone is better than us has got nothing to do with it and isn’t actually true. Carry on and we’re likely to reap the rewards. 2020 has taught me that NOTHING in life is certain except change and if there’s ever a good time to say ‘F*ck it, what have I got to lose’ it’s now. Fortune favours the bold and so I’m going for it. 2020 was a plot twist so there a lot of making up to do.”
Go to Dahlia Beach here
Sophie Theakston, jewellery designer

Sophie’s why
“I think the one thing I have learned from this time of COVID, is that whilst there are some rules we cannot break, there are many self-imposed ones we should question . I think habits form sometimes in one’s life without our really questioning them or challenging them. Ask yourself if there might be a better, fresher and more positive outcome from changing things up a bit. I have done it with my handling of business matters and in my handling of my kids when challenges have presented themselves during this period. And it felt great to try a different way and face things with an alternative energy. In both cases it also reaped huge rewards. Wishing everyone a refreshed outlook and a productive 2021!”
Visit Sophie’s website here
Misty Reich, founder of 35 Thousand

Misty’s why:
“I’ve got big dreams (life and business) but I can hold myself back from fully throwing myself at them head on because I feel like it might swallow me up or take me over. In 2021 I am making the biggest bet I have ever made on myself and my future, launching amazing products that I have spent 4 years and all of my savings to create. Now’s the moment and I’m going all in to make it great.”
Read Misty’s advice on ‘How to give a great performance review here
Millie Kendall MBE, founder of Brandstand commuNications and CEO of the British Beauty Council

Millie’s why:
“My mantra is really based on this amazing quote I read. I can be feminine, hard working and powerful, and just because I like to have my hair and nails done, or wear a splash of make-up or have a revitalising/relaxing facial doesn’t mean I am frivolous or flippant, it means underestimate me at your peril. 2020 has taught us things, we need to adapt and put to good use the learnings of this past year. My mantra is to know more, learn more and fight more.”
Visit Brandstand here and the British Beauty Council here
Debbie Wosskow, OBE, co-founder of The Allbright Collective

Debbie’s why:
“I know this one off by heart after the year that has been 2020. It’s written on a Post-it on my desk – a positive mindset has been essential to come out of this year fighting.”
Visit The Allbright Collective here
Julietta Dexter, Founder and Chief Growth and Purpose Officer of

Julietta’s why:
“These are our company values. The pandemic, the black lives matter movement together with the real issues of climate change are things we can learn from to build a better world for everyone.”
Visit ScienceMagic here
Sacha Newall, CEO and co-founder of My Wardrobe HQ

Sacha’s why:
“With small niggles such as being grumpy that there are no parking spaces, I will reposition to ‘I’m lucky that I’m in a car and it’s warm’. When a big unexpected bill comes, I’ll say ‘I have work and I’m improving/fixing something that I need to live my life’. When it comes to the bigger things, like when someone really lets you down or treats you badly, I’ll say ‘It’s good that I know this now so that I can adjust my life’. 2020 has been a strange year of challenges and disappointments, and also a rare and precious time with the kids. Family time with none of the pressures of work, routine and sports fixtures have been a huge positive that feels like a strong foundation for the rest of the decade, whatever it brings.”
Visit My Wardrobe HQ here
Sarah Vine, newspaper journalist

Sarah’s why:
“I think my mantra for 2021 – and beyond – has to be the oldest in the book – ‘Seize the day’.
It’s been a tumultuous year, and it’s not over yet. People have had to face the prospect of mortality, either their own or that of loved ones, in a way that hasn’t happened for several generations. Life suddenly seems so much more tenuous, and more precious for it. So live it well, and live it your way. And do it now, before it’s too late.”
Read Sarah Vine’s How She Carries On interview here
Ruby Hammer, makeup artist and brand owner of

Ruby’s why:
“I feel like there is no better person to work on than myself. I want to be known and remembered for being kind, compassionate, humorous and awake – living every day to the fullest. In 2021 I am going to focus on enhancing all the good qualities I believe I have, and steer away from my flaws to try and live a more positive life.”
Visit Ruby’s website here
Karen Cummings-Palmer, integrative health and beauty expert and brand owner of 79Lux

Karen’s why:
“I think we have all learned that tomorrow (at least as we know it) is promised to no one. It can be a cause of anxiety, it can also inspire a fearlessness and sense of purpose to propel us forward – from the simple act of practising Pilates right here and now, to developing a business or calling a loved one.”
Visit 79Lux here
Anh Nguyen, medical physician at Houston Methodist Hospital

Anh’s why:
“I’ve spent many hours lamenting the lost opportunities in 2020, but in 2021 I want to focus on solid steps I can take to realize my goals. I will try to not focus on the lost time that COVID caused us in 2020.”
Read Anh’s How She Carries On interview about being a physician during COVID 19 here
Sara Quiriconi, actress and wellness warrior

Sara’s why:
“If 2020 has taught us anything, is that anything is possible. Our job as humans is to be flexible, fluid, learn from our experiences, and grow from them. This mantra comes from my own personal statement, the Live Free Manifesto, ways that I choose to live my life. From my own personal journey in 2020, so much has transformed, or (I prefer) has transcended. When we’re living in a state of “in the moment” where we’re learning from what whatever is present, there’s only one way to go, and that is up.”
Follow Sara here